Liseichykau D., Wereda D., Attempts to raise the educational levelof the Uniate clergy at the Basilian
Seminaryin Novy Sverzhen (1743-1833), „Historia i świat”, 2023, s. 255–272.
The theological seminary in Nowy Świerżeń was founded in 1743 by Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł "Rybeńko". The management of the seminar was entrusted to the Lithuanian Province of the Basilians. The monks served as rectors and teachers. The curriculum was modeled on Jesuit colleges. The seminary educated clergy for the Uniate parishes located on the Radziwiłł estate. The seminar is planned to educate 12 students. Considering the needs, it was definitely not enough. The seminary closed in 1828.
Seminaryin Novy Sverzhen (1743-1833), „Historia i świat”, 2023, s. 255–272.
The theological seminary in Nowy Świerżeń was founded in 1743 by Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł "Rybeńko". The management of the seminar was entrusted to the Lithuanian Province of the Basilians. The monks served as rectors and teachers. The curriculum was modeled on Jesuit colleges. The seminary educated clergy for the Uniate parishes located on the Radziwiłł estate. The seminar is planned to educate 12 students. Considering the needs, it was definitely not enough. The seminary closed in 1828.